maandag 22 november 2010


Busy week for Sugar Mama!

Wednesday 24-11-10 Sugar Mama will be handing out 500 baby cupcakes for "Ladie's Night" at the Rembrant theater in Arnhem. The movie "De Eetclub" will be showing and the ladies will have the possibility to experience a variety of different food related vendors to celebrate the film. Sugar Mama was asked to join in on the fun so we will be there with a sales table with the 15x15cm brownies, sour lemon and carrot cakes. Will also have a fun gift for "Sinterklaas"...a gingerbread house kit that includes the dough, icing, pattern, and decorating candies. A GREAT gift of fun for all the young at heart!! Hope to see all my lady friends there!

If you miss this event or happen to be a man who refuses to take on a female role/costume for the evening, I have more great news! Sugar Mama will be at the Winterfair in Velp 26-11-10 from 14.00-21.00 sponsored by Not Just Pink (one of my sales locations by the way). Yolanda has gathered unusual, uniek and fun vendors for the occassion to help all you desperate shoppers in need of holiday gifts! There will also be entertainment "Dickens Style" to make the shopping (emptying your pockets) more fun. And of course a celebration wouldn't be complete without Sugar Mama's goodies...a party for your tastebuds! We will have a sales table with the above items plus an almost complete selection of Sugar Mama pastries (you can eat it there, give it away or take it home for the weekend), a "bestellijst voor Kerst", and most importantly ...gingerbread men/women/bears/babies (Zie foto) for "Stichting Doe Een Wens".

Enjoyed chatting but I have got to get baking!!!!

maandag 25 oktober 2010


Het is eindelijk Herfst!

Going to switch over to English because I am afraid of making too many mistakes. After 17 years in Holland there is as much of a chance that I will make a mistake in English. Here it goes!

This time of the year is best defined by the Dutch word GEZELIG! The exact meaning is not to be translated in English because it is a feeling that encompasses all the senses. The word that comes the closest is cozy.

Fall is one of Sugar Mama's favorite times of the year! The weather turns just as do the colors in the trees forcing us indoors to keep warm by the fire with something hot to drink and, of course, something sweet to eat. The fall brings with it the delightful taste of pumpkin (pompoen) which is used in the muffins as well as the cheesecakes. Apples take center stage at this time of year as well in the muffins mixed with walnuts and raisons...YUM! Also making the yearly comback is the vanilla cheesecake topped with cranberries and white chocolate. Check out the "verkoop punten" on the website for locations selling Sugar Mama products or contact us if you are planning a celebration and want something special to serve your guests.

October is a month that spotlights one of the charities closest to my heart, Pink Ribbon, which focuses on breast cancer research. Buitenpoort Catering held a fund raiser in the Westerbouwing located in Oosterbeek and ordered Sugar Mama goodies for the event. See the attached foto.

Halloween is also celebrated in October...the 31st to be exact! Halloween parties are the most fun whether you are throwing one or attending one. Sugar Mama is always in for a good scare in the form of something sweet. Contact us for all the bewitching options!

woensdag 14 april 2010

Wij hebben een nieuwe fotoshoot laten doen.
Deze is meer dan gelukt en laat de sweetness van ons gebak ECHT zien!!

woensdag 31 maart 2010

Een goed doel!!

Het is weer een tijdje geleden dat ik hier wat geschreven heb. Steeds dacht ik nu wordt het wel weer eens tijd maar nu heb ik echt een hele goede rede om hier wat te schrijven.
Ik wou het hebben over goede doelen. Hier zijn er op zich een heleboel van maar hoe zit het met die goede doelen waar je nooit wat van hoort?

Dat zijn de goede doelen die wij willen aanspreken. Stuur ons je motivatie en een korte en bondige uitleg waar jou goed doel over gaat. Wij gaan alle aanmeldingen bekijken en kiezen er één uit.
Deze gaan wij steunen op onze website ( en maken hier een leuke actie van.

Stuur je motivatie naar en wie weet steunen wij jou goed doel.